Introduction of each area
1.「Welcome garden
With the joy of welcoming you, we will continue to bloom in gorgeous shades, with pansy, viola and tulips in the spring and roses and colorful flowers in the summer and autumn.
2.「Organic pesticide-free vegetable field」
We cultivate in-house with organic pesticides that everyone wants to eat, such as fresh vegetable salads. The edible flower is also cultivated in various colors so that everyone can enjoy it.
3.「Rose and tall plant corner」
Delphinium, Peonies, Lupine, Casablanca, Sarashina, etc ... A garden with a beautiful contrast with red roses.
4.「Garden of Rose and early blooming Phlox and seasonal hydrangea」
In winter, you can see wild birds in red Rose fruit
5.「Main Garden」
When the long winter is over and the snow begins to melt, snowdrops will appear everywhere and let you know when spring is coming.And with the sprouting of thyme, crocus, thionodoxa and muscari begin to bloom, and the tulip season comes. In spring, roses and perennials sprout and the Garden changes completely and becomes full of green. It will be a wonderful season where you can feel the breath of nature. Roses bloom from early summer to late autumn, and the perennial grass changes, making it a world of kaleidoscope.
6.「Hardwood and wildflower garden」
When Susuki stretches long leaves, the Ezo-no-ko apple tree has a lot of white flowers on its branches, the katsura tree shades it, and the wild grasses bloom beautifully. Jikitaris and Annabelle continue to bloom until early autumn. When the season of autumn leaves comes, the ears of Susuki shine in silver under the sunlight, and the berries of the tsurubana tree fall gently.
7.「Cotswold stone wall garden」
We expressed gentleness by arranging light roses and nemophila, viola, and tulips to shine beautiful stones that change color depending on dryness and wetness, and white peony and green flowers of Astrania Mayor in summer.
8.「Rose and large plant garden.」
We planted roses, dwarf mini roses, ramsyear, etc. against the backdrop of willow orchid, sunflower, soapwort, casablanca, delphinium, jikitalis, etc.
9.「Gazebo garden」
Many roses are arranged mainly in English blue gazebos, and the herbs are entwined. During the season, June berries are dyed white with flowers to give delicious fruits in the summer. In early autumn, Phlox and Lily are in full bloom. On the side of the park, spring blooms with primroses, and in summer the ladies mantle shines with pale flowers.
10.「Spring Ephemeral Garden」
This is a path, the giant blue-crowned flower begins to bloom in the spring and then blooms together with the lily of the valley.In summer, the hosta grows deep green under the shade of a birch.
11 / 12.「North entrance」
Hop arches and hanging baskets welcome you.春には遅咲きの芝桜が一面を覆い、シャクナゲなどの花木やアナベル、農家の納屋風の小屋がガーデンへいざないます。
14.「Rose border garden」
It is a border garden with 100 red roses as an open garden landmark along Route 53 (Red-crowned Mai Road).
15.「White birch trees and border garden」
It is a border garden of perennial grasses such as Alchemilla morris, which is planted with the endangered rose, the rose, which is likely to become extinct among the birch trees, peonies, delphinium, jikitalisu, and poppy.